Good Praise/Bad Praise How To Praise Your Way To Creating An Emotionally Healthy Child
by Chick Moorman and Thomas Haller. Three weekly e-mail sessions ($12.95) Add to Cart
This E-Course is divided into three sections that will be delivered to you at a rate of one a week. Each lesson will give you valuable information about praise, many examples of the skills being presented, and opportunities to apply the skills to your own life.
You will learn the three types of praise and be able to tell which ones help your child develop self-esteem, confidence, and an internal standard of excellence. You will also learn how to recognize the most harmful type of praise--the one that builds praise junkies and teaches children to rely on the opinions of others for measures of their self-worth.
You will be exposed to examples, quizzes, and exercises that will help you develop a style of praise that is most difficult for your child to deny and has the greatest potential to transform your child into a caring, confident, responsible youngster. You will learn to praise in a way that will give your child verbal messages that she can use to develop a strong internal sense of self-esteem and worth so she can become her own source of encouragement, her own source of motivation, her own source of reward?
This E-Course is skill-oriented, practical, and offers ideas you can put to use immediately with your family.